
21 August 2011

Airline travel with technology...

Oh for goodness sake.

Really, people?

I know it is important and necessary that passengers' items be scrutinized before flights. I understand that fully. What I don't understand is how people aren't aware enough to realize that an important and costly item has been removed from their carry-on.

We lived in England for over two years. During that time we traveled internationally pretty frequently; often with five kids. Hubs and I are pretty self-aware and have taught our children to be also. I guess this post is to warn travelers to take nothing for granted. Be mindful of your belongings as you go through security check-points. Go through your carry-ons after they are returned to you.

TSA agent caught stealing an iPad

The Invention of Everything Else by Samantha Hunt

I once asked my husband who his favorite inventor was. He began telling me some incredible things about Nicola Tesla that I didn't know. I decided to see what I could learn about him on my own.

I began with this juvenile biography selection:

Nikola Tesla And The Taming Of Electricity

It was fascinating! Tesla must have been an incredible person. I came away from this book thinking he was just a scream. What an inventive spirit. He was world's ahead of his time. If he were suddenly brought back to life I can't imagine what he'd come up with, given today's advances in technology.

Later, my brother, Duffy, and I came across this adult selection while I was living in England:

The Invention of Everything Else. Samantha Hunt

This is a fictional story about Nicola Tesla. This book fictionalized a story around him, involving a bit of time-travel even. I really enjoyed the middle of the book...the end was a little disapointing but not enough for me not to rate this book favorably. I felt the author could have developed the climax and ending a bit more but she did a wonderful job of creating a story around this amazing man.

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