
14 May 2011

Here's a great article that compares ereaders...

http://tinyurl.com/EreaderComparisonForMay2011If you are considering the purchase of an ereader, this article is truly insightful. It compares, I'm depth, the following:
Kindle, NOOK Color and iPad.



  1. Great link: wow! Thanks so much! One day, I aspire to own such a device!

  2. Susan, I own a NOOK. I ogled ereaders for about 3-4 years before buying one. I really want to buy a NOOK Color. I still read comparisons frequently. Also, I am wondering when the NOOK Color may be upgraded. As soon as I bought my NOOK B&N came out with the Color. I'm crossing my fingers for a NOOK Color upgrade beforenext Christmas but haven't read anything talking about it.


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