
02 July 2011

Want to upgrade your ereader?

Barnes and Noble is offering an upgrade promotion that began 1 July 2011.

If you take in an old ereader and purchase a new one you will receive thirty free ebooks on a pre-loaded microSD card. No choice, but hey, it would get you started, especially if you were going to give the new ereader as a gift.

I haven't found anything on Barnes and Noble's site about this but I've seen it posted on other sites; here are a couple:



Since I haven't seen this deal on B&N's site I can't discern any real specifics about it.

It looks to me as if you only have to prove that you own an ereader and wish to buy another ereader.
It does not appear that they are taking possession of your old ereader as a trade-in.
It appears that the deal really consists of the incentive of thirty free digital titles of B&N's choice.

I'd post a direct B&N link if only I could find one...

(I wrote this post late last week but have been too busy to post it online.)

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